
Browser compatability

This website has been tested for the following browsers.



Website help

We've tried to make our website as easy to use as possible, however in case you're having trouble perhaps the following may help...

Some pages on the site experience problems (such as email addresses not appearing properly) when opened with Internet Explorer. The problems are specific to IE, and pages have tested ok in other browsers. Perhaps you could try the site using another browser.

To find a specific topic, try the "site map" link at the top of each page.

If the page you're trying to access is in the secured "members only" area, you won't be able to access it without a member password.

ACTApple general help

If your questions relate to using your Mac and you are a member, you may be able to find help from our 'general help' mailing list, or by contacting our help desk (contact details are in the newsletter).

©2012 - ACT Apple Users Group Inc - ACT Apple